About me

I was born on May 28th, 1995 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I lived there for about two months and moved to Orange County, California. I lived there until i was about 6 years old before my family moved to Westwood, California. I have lived there ever since. I currently attend the University of Oregon as a senior studying Business Administration with a focus in Sports Marketing. I chose this major because I was very interested in the world of business and have had s strong passion for the world of sports throughout my life. 

Sports have played a huge role in my life. They have taught me character, leadership, and teamwork. My favorite hobby is playing basketball and I am currently playing for the club team at the University of Oregon.


Westwood is a city located in West Los Angeles. Westwood is known for its historic theaters where many new Hollywood movies have premieres. Westwood is also the home to the campus of U.C.L.A, one of the most popular and most applied to Universities in the United States.

Although I was born in Grand Rapids, I consider Westwood my hometown because I have lived the majority of my life there. I have made life long friends and most of my fondest and best memories come from the time of my life in Westwood.


Family and Friends

My family and my friends are the most important people in my life. They have taught me many lessons about life and have had the biggest impact on me.


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